1Run 21349-2314 Analysis center: USNO -- US Naval Observatory Analyst: Nicole Geiger ( nicole.p.geiger2.civ@mail.mil ) Machine: nuit.crf.dev.rdte x86_64 Linux 5.11.0-41-generic Executables: . Solve initials: NG Spool format: SgLib-0.7.3 (New Market) Local time: 2021.12.15-18:16:08 Correlator type: MK4 Mark-3 db_name: Data base $21NOV11XE Ver 3 Matrix Condition Number = 1.289961664648693E+10 Listing_Options: CRES_EMULATION NO BASELINES NO MINIMUM NO Listing_Options: MAPPED_EOP_OUTPUT NO SEG_OUTPUT NO APRIORI_ZENDEL NO Listing_Options: NRD_TABLE YES CHI_TABLE NO SRC_STAT PRE2004 SEG_STYLE PRE2005 SgLib release : 2021 Jun 25 Flyby Station Cals: DB Station Cals: | DB Non-station Cals: | Atmosphere Partial: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HART15M :NMFDRFLY GION | WobXCont | NMFWTFLY MATERA :NMFDRFLY cable GION | WobYCont | NYALE13S:NMFDRFLY GION | EarthTid | RAEGSMAR:NMFDRFLY GION | Ocean | WARK12M :NMFDRFLY GION | UT1Ortho | WETTZELL:NMFDRFLY cable GION | XpYpOrth | YARRA12M:NMFDRFLY GION | XpYpLib | | UT1Libra | | OPTLCont | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALC Version: 11.02 SgLib-0.7.3 (New Market) 21NOV11SE 3 NOT IN SOLUTION Met Statistics: Temperature Pressure Humidity Station average rms average rms average rms HART15M MET 22.6 4.2 861.8 1.4 57.4 15.1 MATERA MET 13.7 1.7 963.1 0.6 91.4 8.9 NYALE13S MET -17.1 1.5 1013.0 1.9 71.2 3.7 RAEGSMAR MET 18.1 0.8 992.5 1.3 83.2 5.6 WARK12M MET 18.8 2.0 999.7 2.6 92.5 9.0 WETTZELL MET 2.7 1.0 949.2 1.9 99.8 0.1 YARRA12M MET 22.5 6.6 984.1 1.3 50.0 0.0 Run 21349-2314 3465 Observation Pairs Available Session started on: 2459530.271181 2021.11.11 18:30:30.000 UTC Actual duration: 86330.000 sec 00 23:58:50.000 sec Solution type: Group delay X/S combination Data Type Number of Weighted RMS Normalized RMS Chi Square Observations Residual Residual (precis) Used Delay 2265 35.032 ps 1.00 0.9976 Rate 0 0 fs/s 0.00 0.0000 Combined 0 0.00 0.0000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Used quality_code_limit: 5 Number of potentially recoverable observations: 2391 Number of potentially good observations with QC 5-9: 2479 Number of used observations: 2265 ( 94.73%) Number of suppressed observations: 126 ( 5.27%) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Baseline Statistics Baseline # W.Obs W.RMS Del N.R.D. N.R.D. W.RMS Rate N.R.R. D.RW R.RW used/recov ps standard ( 15ps+i) fs/s ps fs/s HART15M -MATERA 117/ 126 45.8 0.94 1.31 1001.8 0.00 37.0 0.0 HART15M -NYALE13S 20/ 21 47.9 0.94 1.12 885.0 0.00 33.4 887.3 HART15M -RAEGSMAR 199/ 201 52.8 0.95 1.62 1710.2 0.00 45.5 0.0 HART15M -WETTZELL 191/ 200 37.7 0.93 1.45 694.5 0.00 33.4 0.0 HART15M -YARRA12M 104/ 108 51.4 0.89 1.74 605.4 0.00 48.4 0.0 MATERA -NYALE13S 88/ 91 77.0 0.97 1.46 2025.1 0.00 60.5 0.0 MATERA -RAEGSMAR 250/ 270 44.0 0.96 1.47 1257.1 0.00 37.5 0.0 MATERA -WETTZELL 273/ 300 30.7 0.94 1.30 420.8 0.00 26.6 0.0 MATERA -YARRA12M 23/ 27 35.9 0.89 1.00 1083.2 0.00 25.0 0.0 NYALE13S-RAEGSMAR 172/ 173 54.6 0.96 1.13 435.6 0.00 34.2 438.8 NYALE13S-WETTZELL 250/ 253 35.0 0.92 0.98 218.5 0.00 20.5 224.7 NYALE13S-YARRA12M 12/ 15 29.9 0.78 0.73 287.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 RAEGSMAR-WETTZELL 368/ 369 24.1 0.93 1.19 614.8 0.00 21.9 640.1 RAEGSMAR-YARRA12M 20/ 21 17.5 0.67 0.60 2431.1 0.00 0.0 0.0 WARK12M -YARRA12M 129/ 160 35.6 0.79 1.22 433.1 0.00 36.4 0.0 WETTZELL-YARRA12M 49/ 56 30.4 0.86 1.12 1017.2 0.00 27.3 0.0 Not included: HART15M -WARK12M 0/ 0 deselected MATERA -WARK12M 0/ 0 deselected NYALE13S-WARK12M 0/ 0 deselected RAEGSMAR-WARK12M 0/ 0 deselected WARK12M -WETTZELL 0/ 0 deselected Source Statistics Source # W.Obs W.RMS Del N.R.D. N.R.D. W.RMS Rate N.R.R. ps standard ( 15ps) fs/s 1639-062 A 39/ 43 32.2 0.88 1.39 795.7 0.00 1657-261 B 14/ 15 34.3 1.08 1.66 179.5 0.00 OJ287 C 140/ 146 19.9 0.66 1.31 1103.9 0.00 1741-038 D 23/ 25 23.3 0.66 1.37 564.6 0.00 1751+288 E 124/ 128 30.0 0.88 1.39 942.3 0.00 1806+456 F 21/ 22 39.3 0.88 1.01 578.9 0.00 1758-651 G 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1759-396 H 6/ 7 63.9 1.08 1.48 1247.7 0.00 1616+063 I 14/ 17 28.5 0.66 0.84 215.2 0.00 1243-072 J 6/ 7 41.0 1.13 1.60 205.9 0.00 1244-255 K 23/ 26 54.8 1.03 1.27 700.2 0.00 1608+243 L 5/ 5 47.3 1.23 1.32 419.8 0.00 1351-018 M 12/ 15 30.4 0.83 1.03 368.3 0.00 1418+546 N 63/ 74 37.3 0.94 1.14 431.9 0.00 1504+377 O 49/ 50 39.1 1.03 1.32 1384.6 0.00 1424-418 P 10/ 10 76.1 1.44 2.40 593.3 0.00 1432+200 Q 2/ 2 13.7 0.44 0.57 184.8 0.00 1846+322 R 16/ 21 30.7 0.71 0.95 238.3 0.00 2329-384 S 8/ 8 61.0 1.09 1.41 2112.6 0.00 2335-027 T 16/ 16 48.6 0.89 1.07 887.1 0.00 1909+161 U 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 3C274 V 29/ 29 39.0 0.99 1.22 229.3 0.00 3C371 W 126/ 131 35.8 1.00 1.34 90.2 0.00 NRAO512 X 28/ 32 42.0 1.01 1.19 1330.2 0.00 3C418 Y 130/ 134 34.3 1.01 1.58 289.4 0.00 CTA26 Z 7/ 7 59.1 1.17 1.44 223.2 0.00 2325+093 A 33/ 35 36.6 0.87 1.15 895.5 0.00 1936-155 B 30/ 34 45.0 1.14 1.51 950.1 0.00 1954-388 C 19/ 20 46.4 1.05 2.30 754.0 0.00 2319+317 D 7/ 7 36.6 0.85 1.00 156.4 0.00 2013+163 E 8/ 8 58.7 1.20 1.41 452.6 0.00 2215+020 F 1/ 2 89.9 1.54 2.27 154.4 0.00 2309+454 G 4/ 5 79.4 1.72 2.01 320.0 0.00 2250+194 H 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 2255-282 I 38/ 39 31.5 0.85 1.59 996.5 0.00 1149-084 J 44/ 47 39.5 0.95 1.33 697.3 0.00 0237-027 K 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0308-611 L 23/ 25 33.8 0.66 0.91 498.5 0.00 1144-379 M 5/ 5 24.2 0.52 1.21 132.5 0.00 0322+222 N 43/ 44 38.9 0.88 1.08 259.0 0.00 0400-319 O 26/ 27 59.6 1.17 1.58 1472.2 0.00 0530-727 P 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0446+112 Q 35/ 35 33.5 0.81 1.04 606.4 0.00 0458-020 R 56/ 59 26.2 0.72 1.11 454.8 0.00 0202+319 S 125/ 130 32.9 0.88 1.20 594.6 0.00 0008-264 T 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0016+731 U 105/ 110 36.6 1.03 1.37 85.9 0.00 0133+476 V 101/ 103 30.3 0.90 1.29 381.3 0.00 0017+200 W 61/ 64 46.5 1.01 1.21 1032.8 0.00 0019+058 X 51/ 51 44.8 0.91 1.08 650.8 0.00 0109+224 Y 6/ 6 31.5 0.66 0.90 1187.6 0.00 0048-097 Z 43/ 43 33.9 0.79 1.02 417.3 0.00 0048-427 A 10/ 12 44.5 0.78 1.06 738.1 0.00 0537-441 B 11/ 12 38.1 0.81 1.43 102.3 0.00 0834-201 C 17/ 17 40.1 0.98 1.17 1002.4 0.00 0912+029 D 1/ 3 23.2 0.58 0.63 282.1 0.00 0602+673 E 4/ 5 41.6 1.20 1.42 151.8 0.00 0920-397 F 1/ 1 140.7 2.19 3.14 3079.5 0.00 1004-500 G 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1057-797 H 7/ 10 37.7 0.91 2.46 51.5 0.00 1034-293 I 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1053+704 J 47/ 48 35.9 0.86 1.01 154.4 0.00 0814+425 K 128/ 135 37.1 0.92 1.18 407.6 0.00 0606-223 L 33/ 36 40.4 0.94 1.37 196.8 0.00 0642+449 M 136/ 146 34.9 0.96 1.29 1723.9 0.00 0808+019 N 8/ 8 61.1 1.09 1.29 107.2 0.00 0646-306 O 24/ 26 59.6 1.17 1.44 541.8 0.00 0656+082 P 5/ 5 31.8 0.84 0.99 256.2 0.00 0800+618 Q 3/ 3 69.5 1.36 1.71 216.7 0.00 0727-115 R 48/ 48 25.0 0.74 1.49 312.4 0.00 0729+259 S 7/ 7 39.6 1.00 1.23 466.7 0.00 Station Statistics Station # W.Obs W.RMS Del N.R.D. N.R.D. W.RMS Rate N.R.R. ps standard ( 15ps) fs/s HART15M 631/ 656 45.2 0.93 1.52 937.3 0.00 MATERA 751/ 814 38.7 0.95 1.37 856.8 0.00 NYALE13S 542/ 553 43.2 0.94 1.12 1792.7 0.00 RAEGSMAR 1009/ 1034 33.2 0.94 1.34 1460.6 0.00 WARK12M 129/ 160 35.6 0.79 1.22 433.1 0.00 WETTZELL 1131/ 1178 29.3 0.93 1.22 574.3 0.00 YARRA12M 337/ 387 35.5 0.83 1.34 616.5 0.00 *** Flyby Status *** directory: /data/solve/save_files Station Source Nutation Nutation Earth Earth Station Pressure EOP Intp. EOP Intp. High Freq Axis Positions Positions Model Time Rotation Rotation Velocity Loading Smoothing Smoothing EOP Offset Series Series Interpol. Model CALC Mod File Model Mod File --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- NONE NONE NONE NONE last_usno C. Spline NONE NONE NO_ZONAL N/A NONE NONE Site Plate Map: /data/solve/save_files/sitpl.dat Parameter adjustments for run 21349-2314 User=NG Reference epoch for polynomial models: 21/11/12 00:00 Parameter Adjustment a-sigma m-sigma WETTZELL CLCK 21/11/11 19:33 Reference Station positions are for epoch: 2021.11.12-05:07:53 1. HART15M 7378 AFRC X Comp 5085486672.18 mm -4126.819 mm 6.215 mm 6.207 mm 2. HART15M 7378 AFRC Y Comp 2668160433.96 mm -1065.044 mm 2.998 mm 2.995 mm 3. HART15M 7378 AFRC Z Comp -2768688848.23 mm 3767.766 mm 3.155 mm 3.151 mm HART15M 7378 U Comp -5377.93 mm -5377.933 mm 6.382 mm 6.375 mm HART15M 7378 E Comp 974.20 mm 974.197 mm 2.506 mm 2.503 mm HART15M 7378 N Comp 1577.91 mm 1577.906 mm 3.248 mm 3.245 mm 4. HART15M CL 0 21/11/11 18:30 12877.923 ns 0.056 ns 0.055 ns 5. HART15M CL 1 21/11/11 18:30 -0.228 D-14 0.143 D-14 0.143 D-14 31. HART15M AT 0 21/11/11 18:30 403.476 ps 15.548 ps 15.530 ps HART15M Atm 2021.11.12-06:07:00.135 Avg: 411.992 ps Rms: 66.063 ps Tot_Rms: 65.983 ps Station positions are for epoch: 2021.11.12-04:32:07 57. MATERA 7243 EURA X Comp 4641934180.79 mm -4293.209 mm 3.488 mm 3.484 mm 58. MATERA 7243 EURA Y Comp 1393002264.11 mm -1057.887 mm 1.716 mm 1.714 mm 59. MATERA 7243 EURA Z Comp 4133329555.48 mm 3784.476 mm 3.175 mm 3.171 mm MATERA 7243 U Comp -885.22 mm -885.219 mm 4.533 mm 4.528 mm MATERA 7243 E Comp 220.74 mm 220.741 mm 1.833 mm 1.831 mm MATERA 7243 N Comp 5748.10 mm 5748.103 mm 1.130 mm 1.129 mm 60. MATERA CL 0 21/11/11 18:30 3727.516 ns 0.099 ns 0.098 ns 61. MATERA CL 1 21/11/11 18:30 -15.307 D-14 0.279 D-14 0.279 D-14 87. MATERA AT 0 21/11/11 18:30 464.730 ps 30.252 ps 30.216 ps MATERA Atm 2021.11.12-05:39:57.110 Avg: 406.172 ps Rms: 61.344 ps Tot_Rms: 61.270 ps Station positions are for epoch: 2021.11.12-05:59:18 113. NYALE13S 7331 EURA X Comp 1201066441.89 mm -4977.107 mm 3.631 mm 3.626 mm 114. NYALE13S 7331 EURA Y Comp 252128129.99 mm -1407.007 mm 1.903 mm 1.901 mm 115. NYALE13S 7331 EURA Z Comp 6238026211.03 mm 3873.030 mm 13.818 mm 13.802 mm NYALE13S 7331 U Comp 2811.48 mm 2811.482 mm 14.114 mm 14.097 mm NYALE13S 7331 E Comp -354.48 mm -354.484 mm 2.050 mm 2.047 mm NYALE13S 7331 N Comp 5807.02 mm 5807.024 mm 2.087 mm 2.085 mm 116. NYALE13S CL 0 21/11/11 18:30 25168.681 ns 0.076 ns 0.076 ns 117. NYALE13S CL 1 21/11/11 18:30 72.384 D-14 0.101 D-14 0.101 D-14 143. NYALE13S AT 0 21/11/11 18:30 5612.424 ps 23.066 ps 23.038 ps NYALE13S Atm 2021.11.12-05:27:55.966 Avg: 49.646 ps Rms: 17.016 ps Tot_Rms: 16.996 ps 169. RAEGSMAR CL 0 21/11/11 18:30 1161.697 ns 0.050 ns 0.050 ns 170. RAEGSMAR CL 1 21/11/11 18:30 8.944 D-14 0.093 D-14 0.093 D-14 196. RAEGSMAR AT 0 21/11/11 18:30 643.276 ps 14.750 ps 14.732 ps RAEGSMAR Atm 2021.11.12-05:56:54.162 Avg: 349.360 ps Rms: 41.526 ps Tot_Rms: 41.475 ps Station positions are for epoch: 2021.11.12-07:42:19 222. WARK12M 7377 AUST X Comp -5115328793.03 mm -4362.033 mm 20.495 mm 20.470 mm 223. WARK12M 7377 AUST Y Comp 477842078.92 mm -1223.077 mm 8.682 mm 8.671 mm 224. WARK12M 7377 AUST Z Comp -3767188919.10 mm 3924.903 mm 15.299 mm 15.280 mm WARK12M 7377 U Comp 1071.64 mm 1071.635 mm 25.180 mm 25.150 mm WARK12M 7377 E Comp 1623.48 mm 1623.485 mm 8.363 mm 8.353 mm WARK12M 7377 N Comp 5669.57 mm 5669.569 mm 5.049 mm 5.043 mm 225. WARK12M CL 0 21/11/11 18:35 -40847.037 ns 0.114 ns 0.114 ns 226. WARK12M CL 1 21/11/11 18:35 -65.637 D-14 0.169 D-14 0.169 D-14 252. WARK12M AT 0 21/11/11 18:30 3409.962 ps 33.042 ps 33.002 ps WARK12M Atm 2021.11.12-06:35:38.217 Avg: 782.884 ps Rms: 88.579 ps Tot_Rms: 88.472 ps Station positions are for epoch: 2021.11.12-05:59:13 278. WETTZELL 7224 EURA X Comp 4075535352.06 mm -4279.945 mm 2.490 mm 2.487 mm 279. WETTZELL 7224 EURA Y Comp 931734457.49 mm -1079.514 mm 1.242 mm 1.240 mm 280. WETTZELL 7224 EURA Z Comp 4801633261.08 mm 3732.076 mm 2.512 mm 2.509 mm WETTZELL 7224 U Comp -63.85 mm -63.854 mm 3.328 mm 3.324 mm WETTZELL 7224 E Comp -98.51 mm -98.507 mm 1.508 mm 1.506 mm WETTZELL 7224 N Comp 5779.09 mm 5779.091 mm 0.837 mm 0.835 mm 281. WETTZELL AT 0 21/11/11 18:30 909.831 ps 13.703 ps 13.687 ps WETTZELL Atm 2021.11.12-05:55:13.647 Avg: 294.900 ps Rms: 17.142 ps Tot_Rms: 17.121 ps Station positions are for epoch: 2021.11.12-05:28:00 307. YARRA12M 7376 AUST X Comp -2388900665.81 mm -4536.810 mm 5.214 mm 5.207 mm 308. YARRA12M 7376 AUST Y Comp 5043348840.42 mm -1153.584 mm 9.720 mm 9.708 mm 309. YARRA12M 7376 AUST Z Comp -3078586765.28 mm 4094.722 mm 5.632 mm 5.625 mm YARRA12M 7376 U Comp -1201.69 mm -1201.689 mm 10.458 mm 10.445 mm YARRA12M 7376 E Comp 4593.93 mm 4593.929 mm 5.766 mm 5.759 mm YARRA12M 7376 N Comp 4016.45 mm 4016.454 mm 3.280 mm 3.277 mm 310. YARRA12M CL 0 21/11/11 18:30 17356.323 ns 0.059 ns 0.059 ns 311. YARRA12M CL 1 21/11/11 18:30 222.920 D-14 0.146 D-14 0.146 D-14 337. YARRA12M AT 0 21/11/11 18:30 171.163 ps 15.576 ps 15.557 ps YARRA12M Atm 2021.11.12-06:04:16.842 Avg: 229.203 ps Rms: 29.224 ps Tot_Rms: 29.189 ps Atmosphere Constraint Statistics 1. HART15M Input 75.00 ps/h RMS 47.74 ps/h NRMS 0.64 share 0.07 count 25 2. MATERA Input 150.00 ps/h RMS 150.46 ps/h NRMS 1.00 share 0.05 count 25 3. NYALE13S Input 75.00 ps/h RMS 41.81 ps/h NRMS 0.56 share 0.19 count 25 4. RAEGSMAR Input 75.00 ps/h RMS 27.08 ps/h NRMS 0.36 share 0.05 count 25 5. WARK12M Input 75.00 ps/h RMS 70.02 ps/h NRMS 0.93 share 0.46 count 25 6. WETTZELL Input 75.00 ps/h RMS 13.99 ps/h NRMS 0.19 share 0.08 count 25 7. YARRA12M Input 75.00 ps/h RMS 28.92 ps/h NRMS 0.39 share 0.08 count 25 Overall RMS 69.01 ps/h NRMS 0.64 share 0.14 count 175 Clock Constraint Statistics 1. HART15M Input 5.00 D-14 RMS 1.99 D-14 NRMS 0.40 share 0.12 count 25 2. MATERA Input 10.00 D-14 RMS 9.70 D-14 NRMS 0.97 share 0.10 count 25 3. NYALE13S Input 5.00 D-14 RMS 1.87 D-14 NRMS 0.37 share 0.13 count 25 4. RAEGSMAR Input 5.00 D-14 RMS 0.63 D-14 NRMS 0.13 share 0.07 count 25 5. WARK12M Input 5.00 D-14 RMS 2.55 D-14 NRMS 0.51 share 0.32 count 25 6. YARRA12M Input 5.00 D-14 RMS 2.97 D-14 NRMS 0.59 share 0.16 count 25 Overall RMS 4.42 D-14 NRMS 0.56 share 0.15 count 150 363. UT1-TAI 1, 21/11/12 05:43 -0.2385 ms/d -24.92 micros/d 11.28 micros/d 11.27 micros/d EOP without included hi-freq variations (a-sigmas) XWOB YWOB UT1-TAI XSIG YSIG USIG mas mas ms microasec microasec microsec 21/11/12 05:43 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 General constraints usage information: 1) CLO_RATE "Clock rate between segments " sigma 5.000E+00 10^-14 sec/sec 2) ATM_RATE "Atmosphere rate between segments" sigma 7.500E+01 psec/hr Corrected Reduced Chi-Square 0.9976 1 Baseline information for run 21349-2314 Monument to monument values at epoch 2021Nov12 Baseline vector components: Length, Vertical and Transverse components Vector mag c-sigma Length c-sigma Horizontal c-sigma Vertical c-sigma (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) HART15M 7378 to MATERA 7243 7032824838.99 9.55 7032824838.99 3.82 75.12 1.77 147.37 6.93 2021/11/12 06:29:55 HART15M 7378 to NYALE13S 7331 10101824032.22 18.47 10101824032.22 11.98 75.67 2.31 769.86 10.02 2021/11/12 06:29:55 HART15M 7378 to RAEGSMAR 7390 8182243745.29 7.65 8182243745.28 4.07 -1773.63 1.65 -3745.47 6.19 2021/11/12 06:29:55 HART15M 7378 to WARK12M 7377 10480989125.23 33.13 10480989125.23 21.20 18.05 6.60 208.97 15.97 2021/11/12 06:29:55 HART15M 7378 to WETTZELL 7224 7832301940.01 8.22 7832301940.01 3.74 41.19 1.59 151.99 6.26 2021/11/12 06:29:55 HART15M 7378 to YARRA12M 7376 7848823017.72 9.74 7848823017.72 6.24 -155.75 3.96 368.19 10.68 2021/11/12 06:29:55 MATERA 7243 to NYALE13S 7331 4191767240.48 18.10 4191767240.48 4.97 -123.14 1.86 301.76 13.75 2021/11/12 06:29:55 MATERA 7243 to RAEGSMAR 7390 3573195409.89 6.90 3573195409.88 1.78 -5726.42 1.11 -724.27 4.56 2021/11/12 06:29:55 MATERA 7243 to WARK12M 7377 12588085282.20 33.62 12588085282.20 24.93 -195.20 6.44 114.56 8.73 2021/11/12 06:29:55 MATERA 7243 to WETTZELL 7224 990053263.99 6.60 990053263.99 1.06 -35.99 1.05 31.83 4.13 2021/11/12 06:29:55 MATERA 7243 to YARRA12M 7376 10713048388.99 11.19 10713048388.99 8.67 -378.65 3.14 121.33 8.73 2021/11/12 06:29:55 NYALE13S 7331 to RAEGSMAR 7390 4836457698.88 17.18 4836457698.88 5.52 -4239.75 1.61 1089.99 13.22 2021/11/12 06:29:55 NYALE13S 7331 to WARK12M 7377 11834362059.30 37.32 11834362059.30 26.67 265.36 8.50 456.65 11.65 2021/11/12 06:29:55 NYALE13S 7331 to WETTZELL 7224 3284457486.79 17.26 3284457486.79 3.87 -159.32 1.53 -202.10 13.67 2021/11/12 06:29:55 NYALE13S 7331 to YARRA12M 7376 11074427167.16 19.61 11074427167.16 14.86 447.39 5.25 -242.59 9.75 2021/11/12 06:29:55 RAEGSMAR 7390 to WARK12M 7377 12619300392.21 33.14 12619300392.21 25.11 5389.76 4.70 -2513.27 8.76 2021/11/12 06:29:55 RAEGSMAR 7390 to WETTZELL 7224 3295733570.87 4.61 3295733570.87 1.23 -5715.86 0.81 300.90 3.45 2021/11/12 06:29:55 RAEGSMAR 7390 to YARRA12M 7376 12190901461.65 9.73 12190901461.64 9.64 -5537.82 2.82 2803.64 7.25 2021/11/12 06:29:55 WARK12M 7377 to WETTZELL 7224 12573890232.55 33.28 12573890232.55 24.76 -241.85 8.10 40.67 7.14 2021/11/12 06:29:55 WARK12M 7377 to YARRA12M 7376 5362036483.31 31.34 5362036483.31 9.90 249.06 3.66 -46.08 24.37 2021/11/12 06:29:55 WETTZELL 7224 to YARRA12M 7376 10990549282.30 10.10 10990549282.30 8.63 -427.55 3.41 38.78 8.14 2021/11/12 06:29:55 -- Note: a posteriori baseline vectors are expressed in a baseline-centric reference frames. The first basis vector of the frame, l, is in direction of a priori baseline, (r_2 - r_1). Direction of the second vector, h, is defined by a cross product of a priori baseline vector and a priori geocentric vector of the 2nd station. The last basis vector, v, is perpendicular to the vectors l and h and is radially inward at the center of the baseline. For the short baselines, the vectors l and h are close to the horizontal plane and v is almost vertical (with opposite sign). In the table above the columns are: * Vector mag: length of the a posteriori baseline; * Length: l-component of the baseline; * Horizontal: h-component of the baseline; * Vertical: v-component of the baseline; * c-sigma: calculated (using standard deviations of adjusted station coordinates of baselines) standard deviations of the corresponding values.